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Classroom Mission Statement 

"Too often in school we reduce history to memorizing names and dates, but we can’t explain the larger significance of historical events. We read texts, but we don’t learn how to think, evaluate or care about what we read. We prepare for multiple choice exams that require us to regurgitate information, but we aren’t preparing for a world where we will need to weigh evidence, reason and analyze. We must learn how to describe things clearly, concisely and professionally. We need to learn how to make logical and persuasive arguments— either orally or in writing. We aren’t developing the skills we need to look at a complicated issue from several different angles to solve a problem. We must develop skills and mindsets to adapt, to take initiative, to be curious, and to imagine. We will delve into the causes and consequences of global change and continuity, make comparisons among major societies, and analyze primary sources in investigating history from multiple perspectives. I hope that you will also be struck by the incredible range of similarities and differences that individuals and societies have exhibited across location and time. I look forward to the discussions on these issues."  



Hello I am Odrie Minor. I am married with two children. I am a Spelman College and Duke Alumni and also a Rhodes Scholar Finalist and a Truman Scholar. Also I am an IB AP Social Studies Teacher






Classroom Number - 2106
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